Monday, 21 July 2014

Posted by haslina On 04:30
Lampiran 11:  Nota Penghargaan

PENGHARGAAN (Acknowledgement)

Empirical research is particularly meaningful.   This is simply because its findings are grounded in reality.  This book entitled ‘Teachers readiness in implementing the School-based Assessment’ has finally come to its end in writing. It takes rounds of interviews and extensive sincere sharings with dozens of respondent teachers, subject heads and the school principals to make this research a success. I sincerely owe my respondents my  deepest respect and gratitude, in particular to their generosity to share with me their views and concern  as well as their constraints and experience in the administration of school-based assessment.  

The bulk of this book is largely attributed to the many rounds of abstractions drawn up against the findings identified. However, I am obliged to record my deepest appreciation to the line up researchers who has made this study a success. These included 3 lecturers from the Education Department in IPIK. They are: En Mohd Aqsa bin Haji Hussin,  Pn Norulazilah binti Md Nordin,   and Miss Chong Yuet Eng. They had engaged with data collection in three subject schools, namely SK SS, SM TT, and SJK CC. These 3  personalities had also sat down with me for solid hours to discuss and to tease out the themes as emerged in the research. I should say without their  contribution, the insightful  findings as revealed in this research is impossible to be attained for a forestry view.

I also owe my deepest gratitude to Dr Kassim bin Basir from Institut Perguruan Hussein Onn.  Dr Kassim had assumed the role as a facilitator to me in the first round of the drafting for the research proposal. Again, in the last round of the tying up of this academic piece of work,  Dr Kassim has provided me with most precious support and valuable comments. I would ever forget his full patience and sincere encouragement rendered to me throughout the drawn up to the completion of this master piece.

I’m very much obliged, too,  to record my deepest thanks to the Malaysian
Division of Teacher’s Training,,  namely the Bahagian Pendidikan Guru. (BPG). I should say the accomplishment of this academic book attributed much to the good support and strategic planning initiated by the BPG. This included the 4 rounds of meetings which had made up the planning for research engagement to the completion of the writing for the Teachers’ Training lecturers who were involved in the 2007 research project.

Finally, I’m completely indebted to my head of department, En Ishak bin Osman, who had just retired a month ago. He had provided me the space and time to focus on this piece of research without taxing me with any unnecessary routine administrative work for the past whole year.  I would never forget his thoughtfulness as a head for his subordinate which is clearly evidenced in the birth of this book.